Friends in Low Places

Low Sunday Praises

Over the past few months I have learned that a gentleman who works in the same business as me and also owns a Harley-Davidson, is an ordained Minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He moonlights as a Pastor at Brookhaven Christian Church in Atlanta.  I am convinced now that he is around to- as they say - "keep me honest."  For it is in the business environment where I struggle in my faith and spirituality the most. Knowing that David has one of those "Rev's" in front of his name makes me more aware of my actions.More importantly, I had known and worked with David for a few months before he revealed to me his credentials.  My only hope now is that my pre-knowledge behavior does not differ greatly from my post- knowledge behavior! 

A few weeks ago he alerted me to the fact that he would be delivering the message for the 11 am service at his church on Sunday April 3rd. I quickly put it in my calendar to attend. I also had to recruit a replacement for me as an Usher at our Smyrna First UMC 11am service. Easy enough I thought.

In early March I was part of the servant team on Men's North Georgia Walk to Emmaus #176. Over the course of that experience I met a young man named De'Shun. Spending much time with him, I learned  this new friend is a Divinity student serving an Internship at Midway United Methodist in Alpharetta, Georgia.

In the course of a few short weeks I realized a friendship with two men who would be Priests and along with me and many more - members of the priesthood of all believers!

Holy Week I received a text from "D" as I like to call De'Shun. He was delivering the April 3rd message at Midway! I was joyed for him but hard pressed to figure out how could both of these friends, he and David,  be preaching on the same day?  I wanted to be there to listen.  I wonder at God's timing and am convinced there are no coincidences only miracles!

Fortunately "D" would preach an 8:30am message at the beautiful old Church (above) which is actually closer to Cumming than Alpharetta.  I would be able hear him then travel to Brookhaven for David's talk and on top of that blessing have a nice spiritually lifting motorcycle ride!

I experienced some anxiousness as the date approached. I was second guessing my decision to try to accomplish attendance at two Church services over a course of 60+ miles in the same morning. With an already full schedule, I was beginning to have doubts. How does it happen that these two friends would end up in the pulpit on the very same day? All along I knew certainly I needed to be there for both.

At the Midway early service I learned that this Sunday April 3rd (First Sunday after Easter) was also know in many Churches as "Associate Pastor Day" and that many folks like D'Shun would be honing their preaching skills on this day. In fact, I would learn later that, at our SFUMC, the Youth Ministries Pastor- Leslie- spoke at our  9:55 Alive service. I also learned from the gracious and hospitable members of Midway how much they love D'Shun! More importantly I became aware that "D's" sermon was his proverbial "swan song" at this Church as he moves into the next phase of his Faith Walk. He did a great job! The Holy Spirit showed me how important it was that I was there.

Before going to Brookhaven, I met up with my good friend Donna and we rode together for this service. I have told David about Donna and how one of the highlights of our relationship is holding hands in Church! He had said that his Mom and Dad like to hold hands in church. They would also be there to hear his message after driving from their home in Florida.

It just so happens  that David was preaching from the Lectionary and he taught us that this message from the Gospel of John, Chapter 20  is unique to the rotating 3 year Revised Common Lectionary in that it falls every year in the week following Easter. Of course it contains the story of the Apostle Thomas after the resurrection. You know about doubting Thomas, right? David said, " Thomas got a bad rap."  His sermon was titled, "Can you believe it?"

One other thing I learned from Rev David was that it is common in many protestant Churches that the first Sunday after Easter is known as "Low Sunday" because it usually the lowest attendance day of the year.  

I am grateful I have friends in low places.

Bradford Bosworth

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