(eighth in a series)
1 John 4:18-19
Patti Cox & Brad Bosworth
Yesterday for
the first time in seven days our Haiti Mission Team took a day of rest and
relaxation. We traveled to a distant beach where we lounged, frolicked in the
salt water of the Caribbean Sea. Our Haitian guides, the translators, security
guards and driver came with us. Gel, Achka, Jhon, Benson, Blanc, Eric and
Patrice had the day off in a place they would not normally visit. Today our
team ministered to them and thus ourselves and it was glorious.
There is a
bond between the team and these Haitians. It is a connection through our Maker.
God is Love and we speak to each other in the language of God without fear. On
this day with no duties or responsibilities to distract us with doubt and petty
fear, we come closer to perfection in love.
I have
witnessed extreme conditions of poverty this week. Our medical mission team has
attended to about three hundred patients who otherwise most certainly would not
have had access to any kind of treatment. In many a religious circle, there is
some belief that God punishes for the sins of humankind. But God is Love! Therefore, being perfect His
love is infinitely certain. There is no doubt here that God loves his children
who are, in total, humankind. Since Abba’s love is perfect, there is no fear
for God does not punish His children.
Since arriving
last week we have had two sizable gentlemen displaying badges and wearing “Security”
splashed across their backs. They possess a solemn demeaner and holstered
firearms. Their presence is to first give the team distance from danger and
threat. In truth, they are here to help assuage any fears we have in this very
foreign, but not hostile environment. At first they remained distant, in the
shadows, almost out of sight. As they witnessed the Grace of God raining on
their fellow Haitians, Patrice and Eric came gradually closer, smiling more and
more until it was the perfect Love of Christ moving between them and us
allaying all of our fears. We have loved each other because He first Loved us.
Father, we long for the certainty of
Immanuel filling us with His perfect Love that drives out all our fears, Amen
Bradford Bosworth