Staying in the Victory Lane Moment

Vivid Memories

As a recent college graduate in 1975 fresh with a degree in Journalism and a Radio-TV-Film major, I took my first job at WESH-TV in Daytona Beach, Fla. This would start a journey that would intertwine with Motor Racing and last a good ten years. Very early on I was introduced to Victory Lane. Now I had heard of and seen Victory Lane celebrations through the televised experience and also viewed one from the stands at Churchill Downs - the 1969 Kentucky Derby.  I had never been inside or participated in the actual celebratory moment.

In 1976 I was assigned to cover the Daytona 500 Victory Lane celebration as a cameraman for the TV station. This task called for me to cover turns three and four inside the track during the race and then with thirty or so laps to finish, move and set up tripod and mounted Frzzolini 16mm inside Victory Lane. As it turns out this Daytona 500 became the most exciting finish in its history at the time. The perspective from Victory Lane of the finish was like this: Richard Petty and David Pearson were battling it out on the last lap. The only indication of what was happening that I had from where I stood was watching the crowds in the front stretch stands. They were delirious on their feet as the two cars sped down the backstretch. All of a sudden the screams got louder and fingers were pointing toward turn four. The next thing I know is, I see smoke and dirt flying and two cars spinning down the frontstretch with one in the grass.

David Pearson had the presence of mind to throw his Ford back in gear and cross the finish line before Richard Petty could get his Dodge back rolling.  A few minutes later Pearson's crumpled Purolator Ford was pushed into Victory Lane by his elated crew and my camera was rolling!

See video:

To try to adequately describe the actual experience is a tall task. Little did I know at the time that a short two years later I would experience Victory Lane on a whole new level. Stay Tuned.

Bradfor Bosworth
June, 2015

Enter Through the Narrow Gate

Aphrodite with Blonde Hair


Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Mathew 7:13-14


Just in the past few years I have learned there is a road - A Pathway to God.

The great medicine men and tribal spirituals in Native American culture knew it as the “Red Road”. We all have access to it. By it we may return to our source.  It is the center - the one core - common among us all and all of us. Biblically we can find it through the Son of Man.

In these same past few years I have come to embrace my purpose here in this world as one in which I am to pursue – seek first – growing my relationship with my creator. It is a lifelong effort not resting until I draw my last breath. That is my supreme purpose here.




This last twelve months I have learned there is a way to put a shine on, embellish- to sanctify – that purpose. It is to share intimately in the pursuit of the Father with another person. For me it is a woman, Aphrodite with blond hair and a voice that is music from the harp and heart.  The Kingdom of God arrives holding hands in Church. No shared meal passes without the prayer of Grace still holding hands. The sharing of Devotions and Faith bear out  “Where two or more are gathered there so shall I be.” (Mathew 18:20)


It has been a marvelous and majestic ride both literally and figuratively. Yahweh may it be so forever as your awesome Love is.

Bradford Bosworth
June 2015

A Carnivore's Paradise

  (Writer’s Note: In my upcoming book “ Angel Food Cake” A Forty Day Devotional for an Upside/Down World, there are stories referencing ange...

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