Of Saints and Angels

Take Nothing for Granted

Hebrews 13:2  NKJV
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some 
have unwittingly entertained angels.

I have an avocation that involves collecting and gifting antique keys along with scripture or noted quotes from classic writers and books.  These keys are specifically categorized as skeleton keys, a rather macabre way of description. And with the passing (no pun intended) of Halloween and the advent of All Saints Day, I am nudged to scribe about the Saints and Angels of this life.

The Key to Hospitality

I am assured that our Creator places people in our paths throughout our journey here on earth and reciprocally He surely removes them as well.  Sometimes they are with us for awhile and sometimes not.  There is purpose to them all. Some we notice and some notice us. Some we fall deeply in love with and part with broken hearts strewn in the wake.

Some we are born of and some bear our children.  Some we learn from and some we teach. Some as we turn to see in the distance remain a mystery always presenting a struggle for our understanding. All whom we have loved, we love forever. That place in our heart they continue to occupy though sometimes we try to cover it up or paint over it in pastels of denial.

The noted Christian Psychiatrist M Scott Peck wrote in his popular book "The Road Less Traveled", 
"All human interactions are opportunities either to learn or to teach." To take this concept further, sometimes the student walks a long way before the lesson is learned and then realizes the teacher was an Angel he welcomed innocently unaware.  

When the door closes on that relationship, whether it be Saint and sinner or student or Teacher as we stand begging, "don't let me go!" we become amazed and stand in awe as we turn to see another door opening towards heaven's way and a new Angel waiting to guide us onward.

Abba, so grateful are we that You send your Saints to guide us home!

Bradford Bosworth
All Saints Day, 2016

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