Back to the Beginnings

Pursuing Portage Path

(Writer's note: First in a series.)

In a few days I will ring in retirement with a headlong dive.  Like the first time going off the high diving board head first. Well here goes nothing, "GERONIMOOooooooo!"  Less than a week after my last day at work,  -or at least the work to which I have grown accustomed-, I will hop on a plane to Boston where I will meet my brother Hal.  Promptly we will travel by car to places that will put us face to face with our origins.  More importantly this trip will place two brothers -the last two remaining Bosworth siblings- together in close quarters for a complete week.  It just might be more time together than we have spent in our entire adult lives.  Certainly potentially the most quality time if we are up to the task. (Prayers needed here please.)
First Mementos

It just so happens that a fellowship to which I belong is holding an annual celebration in conference called "Founder's Day" in the city of it's origins. The city, Akron, Ohio, also happens to be where I and my brother were born.  As a family we moved from Akron in 1955.  Hal has been back. I have not.  I am seeking to find where the origins of this worldwide congregation and my own beginnings intersect. Certainly the paths must have crossed long before I joined the program in November 2008. For I believe there are no coincidences; only the large and small miracles placed in front of us by our Creator.
Bosworth Family Akron (circa 1952)

But first, two brothers have an appointment in Delhi, NY.  We will visit our mother Jeanne's grave site.  It will be my first  trip back  since we buried her 24 years ago.  I hope someone reminds us to pack a box of Kleenex for the trip.

Oh how rich is this life we live if we just let it be.  In spite of myself, I am still here to witness and accept the Love that is offered up and available in all moments, especially the most painful and heart wrenching.  I  will go back to Mom's resting place and share with my brother memories which are woven into the fabric of our souls. The Love of a mother, a most lasting, eternal thread forever part of who we are.

Amen Nana Jeanne


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