Kinder Heaven

Third in a series.

Ed Hogg

Isaiah 55:12-13

Bev, Patti & Heaven

We have one big change to our mission trip this year and it has to do with children. We have been given a blessing on our team in the appearance of Beverly. She is a preschool teacher back home and on this mission trip we have reintroduced VBS (Vacation Bible School) as part of our mission. So far, three of the four clinics we have set up have been in Schools. Bev, being a picture of joy has added a new facet of God’s Grace to our experience with her VBS leadership.

In our Isaiah scripture for today we have a joyful praise described in ways that stretch an adult’s imagination in a Disneyesque way: “the mountains and hills will burst into song…” I believe the Prophet is trying to describe heaven in these verses: “And all the trees of the fields will clap their hands.” The pragmatic adult in me says only at the Magic Kingdom can we see trees clapping their hands. Bah Humbug! The child in me says, “I wanna go see Mickey!”

Hanging Crosses

Watching the little children respond to our mission team generally but to Bev specifically the last couple days has caused me think of Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:14. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” The conditions on the ground here are devastating and alarming to the visitor. The atmosphere and environment defies description. Yet the little children are pictures of joy and happiness. The adults visiting Haiti for the first time might see the thornbush. These children see juniper. The hungry and tired mission adult sees briars. The children see myrtle.

It is for certain that in bringing to these people of Haiti the gift of the Light of life in the form of our servant’s hearts we also have received gifts of Grace from their meek and humble hearts. But it is the children who through their innocent acceptance have shown us real glimpses of heaven that will endure with us forever, all for the Lord’s renown.

The Kingdom of Heaven

Yahweh, may we go out in joy and peace and get a little closer to heaven today, Amen.

Bradford Bosworth                                                                                                                     September, 2018

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