Then it was off to Buckhead to meet up with a group of folks gathering at the trendy Hal's On Old Ivey. This group was coming together to celebrate the retirement of my friend John, Faith partner and former boss who I worked for and with over 15 years. Our friendship goes back more than 25 years and has grown since I left the employ of the same company he is now retiring from. It is a beverage alcohol distributing company with strong Atlanta roots. I am most happy for John as I believe his life will now begin to open up in new and exciting ways! I love you John.
Five Finger Friends
Your call is never screened
No time of the day
Is unusual
Days, weeks, years
Does not matter how long,
The place in the heart is the same
In a lifetime this friendship
this closeness, the respect, the love
Comes from within
If by divine appointment
Your lives intersected at
The most propitious moment
Sometimes more than once
Because we were not awake
Enough, enough
How many will we have?
The neon lights up:
How many in a lifetime?
We can count them on one hand!
Bradford Bosworth
April 2015