Renovatus Key

Glimpses of Grace

Yesterday, Sunday, September 6, 2015, I was confronted again by one of life's little coincidental moments. These tiny miracles or glimpses of God's Grace are occuring for me with increased regularity either in my own experience or of those others who are witnessing about it to me.

First I should provide some background orientation. My  youngest daughter Jeanne and I are engaged in a project related to her fund raising efforts to support her Rome, Italy study abroad program.
(See: )

As a result of this effort we have pledged to provide content communication to those "subscribers" with bi-weekly recaps of our Father-Daughter letters. We have named this project, "My Father's Keys". (See: 8/17/15 blog post).

So this past week I received my first letter from Jeanne. If you have donated to Jeanne's GFM page you have received the complete letter with accompanying photos as well as my original letter to her of which she read on the flight over to Italy.  For this expose I am including an excerpt of her letter to me:

Marcella was born in Chile and spent most of her life in Uruguay, yet her family originates from Sicily. Her English is impeccable and her Spanish is even better, both of which she teaches to Italian students here in Rome.

When we met Marcella, we were exploring one of the neighborhood’s supermercatos and she was loading her produce into her car preparing to visit the community pool.  She overhead me attempting to converse with the cashier in Italian and -lit up- when she heard me butchering the local language.  She immediately asked my roommates and I to come and speak to her students in English; then they’ll speak to us in Italian. It is a win-win for everyone!

Marcella offered us a ride back to our apartment and our relief was palpable.  She said she had to rearrange some of her belongings in her backseat so all of us could fit. Then she pulled out in view some of the most detailed printed art I have ever seen.  On top was a sky with a moon and a sun intertwined in an infinity sign above a scale of justice.  My description of this work would weigh poorly on one of those plates.  She talked about how she wanted to sell it but something inside her stopped her.

Marcella said, “Maybe I’m not done with it yet…..or maybe it is not done with me?”  She then began explaining that she was redoing her entire apartment; she looked at me and asked what the word was for taking an old building and changing it. I immediately responded,  “Renovation.”

For the remainder of the ride back she spoke about what the word Renovation meant. It is from the Latin word renovatus: to restore and make new again, to repair. I got Goosebumps, right?  I knew then that Marcella was meant to receive the “Kingdom Key”, the first of my Father’s Keys.
I had a glimpse of God's Grace on Sunday morning as I slid into the pew at our Chuch and settling in I focused on the  service program in my hand and the cover art read "God's Restoration Project."  Our associate Pastor Whit Martin's Sermon would be "This Old House."  Even now as I write this piece I am in awe.  I can say just a few short years ago I may not have even noticed and if I did notice I would not have appreciated this message, this communication from the Creator.  The more I notice the more it happens! Oh and did I mention Pastor Whit's Sermon was right on time!

The Apostle Peter is at the center of the "My Father's Keys" project with my daugter Jeanne as he is at the center of Rome, Italy.  My second letter to Jeanne has already been sent to her and it has something to do with a walk on the water. Stay tuned!
Amen Sister
Bradford Bosworth
September, 2015

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